Blog Archive
The problem is the way we fund TV in this country. NZ on Air is failing to create a healthy market for ideas and programmes. It…
The problem with fast thinking is that if information seems familiar we often make judgements that are simplistic and wrong.…
The way TVNZ is outsourcing these programmes is quite simply irresponsible. It smacks of being a rushed decision taken by people…
An even more disturbing action emerged last week when Hone claimed his invitation to appear on the live final of Native Affairs…
Although the Minister of Broadcasting may not influence TVNZ editorially, as the sole shareholder he or she can make life pretty…
So why has TVNZ done this? They say it’s part of a move away from in-house production. But that’s an odd choice given that these…
The principle is so simple. Allowing advertising of products and services reduces the quality of those products and services,…
We have a new Minister of Broadcasting, Amy Adams and the good news is that at last broadcasting is in the hands of a senior…
Do journalists have an obsession with being on the inside, in the cool group which does away with old-fashioned journalistic…
While none of NZ’s media came out in favour of Cunliffe, plenty came out for Key.
68% of New Zealanders think political news on television focuses too much on politicians’ personalities and not enough on real…
Our survey finds more than a third of New Zealanders are so dissatisfied with existing coverage that they would be prepared to…
Why on earth would we be thanking our journalists, our cherished fourth estate and seekers of truth, for showing traits that…
Apart from Judith Collins, the politicians seem to be almost out of the storm created by Nicky Hager’s book and the mysterious…
A few weeks ago I blogged that Mike Hosking was a terrible choice as moderator for the TV One Party Leader’s Debate, because he…
The Nicky Hager book is mind blowing on so many levels. The revelations of government ministers and their staff colluding with…
Paul Thompson is a man who can move mountains and in moving Radio NZ into another decade, he may have set off an avalanche.
The 2014 Budget released $24.4 million to merge the TVNZ Archives, the Radio NZ Sound Archives and the Film Archive. And so Nga…
CBB's handy guide to the broadcasting policies of the main political parties.
The Coalition for Better Broadcasting is disappointed at the lack of recognition for Radio NZ in the 2014 Budget. In fact the…
The CBB recommends at least one set of digital television frequencies be set aside for non-commercial television.
Once the only spot of genuine satire on local telly, 7 Days has not only lost its edge, it's been cloned. Its production company…
The radio waves that float around and through us all started out as a public space – like a vast expanse of unbroken earth.…
we need a new Charter, this time one that works. So let's stop putty-foosing around and get in the experts. Hekia Parata is…
Calling all media pundits. Get ready for a surprise. 83% of all New Zealanders watch traditional television every day and only…
Mike Hosking for PM? Yes indeed. Mike Hosking is for the PM. And now he’s able to do even more as moderator (or should that be…