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Lockdown Public Meeting & AGM

Come to our public meeting on NZ media and AGM being held this Sunday, April 26th at 2pm, via Zoom.

We have some great speakers joining our online forum from 2-3pm:Elizabeth Kerr.jpg

  • 2pm          Elizabeth Kerr led the Save RNZ Concert campaign earlier this year (just two months ago though it feels much longer). She will describe the secret of success for this brilliant campaign.
  • 2.15pm    Bauer Media’s collapse is a tragedy for NZ media and culture. Three previous editors of Bauer titles - Simon Wilson, Finlay Macdonald and Jeremy Hansen - will analyse the decision which ended the majority of NZ’s long-established current affairs magazines.
  • 2.45pm    Peter Thompson, BPM’s outgoing Chairperson updates the current situation – RNZ/TVNZ and what the govt might do for the private sector.
  • 3pm          BPM in 2019-2020. BPM Director, Myles Thomas (that’s me) talks about BPM activities over the last 12 months.
  • 3.15pm    AGM formalities – Members Only.


Bauer Editors.jpg


How to join the meeting

Lockdown brings its challenges, but video conferencing may be one of the rewards. Meetings on the Zoom app have become the new normal and are actually pretty good.

To join the Zoom meeting use this link - (meeting ID is 234 386 7798) which will open a window where you can click through some options to open Zoom and join us. You may need to download the Zoom app, which is quick and useful to have. The password is available by emailing us -

If your computer or device doesn’t have a camera, you can also dial into the meeting from your phone. Call 04 886 0026 or 09 884 6780 and follow the prompts. The meeting ID is 234 386 7798 and the password is available by emailing us - Please mute your phone microphone before joining the meeting as it can be very loud for everyone else.


New to Zoom?

If you have never used Zoom videoconferencing before, please take some time to familiarise yourself with it before the meeting.

When you click on the link above it will automatically open in your web browser and download the zoom app. Follow any instructions to download the web meeting app and open the meeting (no meeting ID or password should be required). Alternatively, you can go to and join a meeting using the Meeting ID and Password above. If you do this well in advance of the ceremony, any problems will be identified (you may need to update the version of your web browser, or change to a newer browser platform such as Google Chrome). zoom-screen-shot.png

Myles will control your microphone. It will most likely be automatically turned to MUTE. To avoid background noises and interference, Myles will keep the majority of participants on MUTE. If you want to say something, unmute your MIC and go for it.

Before the meeting starts, there are a few things you will need to check:

Is your video camera on? If you hover your mouse over the bottom left hand corner of the screen you will see a little camera icon. Make sure this is switched on (there is no red line crossing over the camera icon). If your device does not have a camera, you may still be able to see us and hear us, we just won't be able to see you.

Can you hear the speakers? You may have to turn up your sound. Look for a speaker button on your keypad and press volume up, or use the setting control on your system preferences.

Can you see everyone? The best way to view ALL participants is in the Gallery View format. You can change between Gallery View and Speaker View and choose the one that you like the best. To change the view, hover your mouse over the upper right hand corner of the screen. You will see small tiles, click on these to change between Gallery View and Speaker View. On a mobile phone you swipe left to see different views.

There’ll be a Zoom training session the day before at 2pm, so anyone who wants to trial their Zoom before the AGM, can get used to it. Tap the same link as above at 2pm on Saturday 25th (all the other info is the same). If you get stuck please call me on 021 666297 and I can talk you through the process.



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